Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Sten & Stanely

Sten & Stanley is a music group from Sweden and they play dansband music. It's hard to explain what dansband music sounds like, but it's a bit like swing and country music mixed together. I've never heard of Sten & Stanley until today. They've been cranking out albums since 1963, so that tells that you I don't listen to dansband. (stenochstanley.se) The group released an album in 2001 called "Om bara jag får". Track #1 on that cd is called "Solen är din".

And what does this have to do with AOB? Well, "Solen är din" is listed in the ASCAP records as being written by Douglas Carr, Meja, and Jonas.

Yes, that Jonas.

(www.ascap.com/ace - search jonas berggren in writers)

I haven't had any luck finding the lyrics or a song snippet online. Anyone out there just happen to have a copy of this cd? Doubtful, but it can't hurt to ask!


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