Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Da Capo and its meaning

Ok, now that the intro is over, it's time to get down to business. First order of business, Da Capo. The song. I was reading one of Swan's recaps yesterday. Hilarious. If you want to look like a complete crazy when you're at work or school, read them.

One of the recap comments had to do with DC and its meaning. It seems that Jenny made a comment about the song's meaning during the Meet and Greet on German tv, the one that Nadia won in 2002. Jenny said the song had to do with the Berggren's dad. That's what I thought it was about on the first listen but the recap comment made it seem like most Acers didn't think that, or don't think that. Is it just me that thought "It's about their dad" upon first hearing the song or are there more Acers with that same thought?

I love analyzing lyrics and sometimes analyze too much maybe.

"One level ahead, I'm calling to you but touch you I cannot do."

And you guys are gonna think I'm really corny but I might as well start out that way. This is a blog after all. *grin* But, at the IAM BBQ in 2003 we were listening to AOB. We were all dancing and having a great time and all of the sudden, I had this sweeping feeling that their dad was there too. I know that sounds weird... cause it is. I've never met the man, don't really know anything about him. That's why I think it's weird. I wasn't even thinking about it, just dancing away to the beat, enjoying being there and having fun, when it strikes me. "He's here. His spirit is here." It felt like he was acknowledging the joy his children bring to us through their music. It didn't dampen the mood or weird me out, but it was quite unusual in the middle of this BBQ.

You can take that however you like. And now you all think I'm nuts. :oP


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